Consider the Role of Short-Term Disability Insurance If you are like most people, you may have written off short-term disability insurance as not necessary. Although many people overlook this coverage, it can be extremely beneficial, helping you when an illness or injury prevents you from working. Such an incident can put you at risk of being unable to pay your
Habits to Keep in Check When Looking for Cheaper Car Insurance As many motorists know, auto insurers will look at a variety of factors when determining your auto insurance premium. Many of these factors are habits that motorists get into, without knowing that it can directly impact their car insurance rate. Here are a few habits which affect the price
Avoid Making These Common Workers’ Compensation Mistakes The workers’ compensation claim process can be a complex one, particularly if you are trying to file your case without the help of a professional. There are several mistakes a business owner can make after an employee was injured on the job. Even though you may just want to get the claim filed
Secure Your Start-Up with Reliable Insurance It’s not easy to run a business, let alone start one. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to get a business off the ground. Once it is, though, you’ll want to be sure that you take adequate steps to protect your investment. Finding the right business insurance in Long Island, NY