Ask Your Car Insurer These Questions Buying insurance may not be the most thrilling experience. You may choose to turn to the help of an insurer to better understand your coverage, options, and discounts. When you’re shopping for car insurance on Long Island, NY policy, make sure to ask your agent these questions. What coverage do I need?
Fight Climate Crisis by Making Small, Impactful Steps at Home There’s no doubt that we’re in a climate crisis. Now, more than ever, people are looking for meaningful ways that they can help the planet. Everything from attending protests and participating in trash cleanup to voicing your concerns to your local community can be extremely productive. But for those who
Stay Safe at the Start of a New School Year The summer break is drawing to a close and that means it’s back-to-school season. With college students packing up their cars to go back to campus and parents dropping off their kids at school, the roads undoubtedly get busier. When you’re out on the roads this season, be mindful of
Auto Insurance Claim Do’s and Don’ts So, you’ve been involved in a car accident. Even though it may feel overwhelming, remember that you’re not alone. To help you breeze through the claims process so that you can get back on the road, familiarize yourself with these do’s and don’ts when filing a claim on your auto insurance on Long Island,
Don’t Buy Into These Life Insurance Misconceptions Life insurance may not be the most thrilling subjects in the world, but it’s still important to consider. To get the most from it, it helps to know the facts and not rely on inaccurate myths and outdated misconceptions. To help, we’ve rounded up a few common life insurance myths and the truth
Habits to Keep in Check When Looking for Cheaper Car Insurance As many motorists know, auto insurers will look at a variety of factors when determining your auto insurance premium. Many of these factors are habits that motorists get into, without knowing that it can directly impact their car insurance rate. Here are a few habits which affect the price
Factor Life Insurance into Your Budget Believe it or not, but life insurance is often less expensive than people think. No matter your generation, whether you’re a Baby Boomer or millennial, people are constantly overestimating life insurance costs. Not only does life insurance provide valuable coverage for your family when you are gone, but it is often more affordable than
Tips to Keep Your Property Safe This Halloween Halloween is a night to enjoy spooks and scares with friends and family. However, the real nightmare begins when there’s a home disaster. Whether you’re hosting a costume party or waiting in for trick-or-treaters, you’ll want to be sure your home is ready for Halloween night. To protect it from Halloween haunts,
Useful Tips to Keep Business Information Safe In this digital era, we’re always connected. Whether it’s on our smartphones, laptops, computers, tablets, or smartwatches, we spend a large portion of our days online. But, with so much to do and so little time, how much attention are we paying to ensure our personal details are kept safe and private? Since