For years, we have all been warned about cyberattacks and how they can affect us personally. Now with more and more businesses shifting to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are starting to realize they are at a much higher risk than ever before. Cyber resiliency involves knowing what risks are out there and taking the necessary steps to protect your company on every level. Businesses that take the necessary precautions can protect both themselves as well as their employees from cyberattacks.
Understanding Cyber Resilience in a COVID-19 World
Internet predators have more ways to access your data and systems than ever before. People are relying on mobile networks for almost everything related to their personal and professional life. They often use the same devices for both and can compromise either by merely following the wrong link or opening a bad email. Understanding cyber resilience in a COVID-19 world means learning what risks are out there and then finding the best way to protect yourself and your company from all types of cyber threats.
Know Your Risks
Cyber risks take many different forms. Predators have created new ways to attract attention and draw people in. In the past, sending viruses through emails was a common way to infiltrate networks and bypass firewalls. COVID-related emails and short texts are commonly used as hooks to get people to click through to new “updates” that actually contain links to suspicious websites. Now malware, hacking, and phishing methods are taking over and wreaking havoc on networks and computer systems.
Update Your Software Often
Update your anti-virus and other types of software frequently to ensure that you have the most up-to-date programs that haven’t been compromised by hackers. Keep your software as current as possible, and start using two-factor authentication. This keeps your system working its best and adds an additional layer of protection when you are both sending and receiving information.
Backup Your Data/Files
One of the first lessons to learn is that backing up your data/files daily will protect you if your system is hacked or compromised in any way. Backing up files in multiple ways is essential so that if one type of storage isn’t accessible, another one will still be available. There are several ways to back up data. Flash drives, external storage systems, and cloud storage are often the most reliable. Creating backup copies of all your important information will help you retrieve it whenever you need quick access to it.
Using Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is an easy and cost-effective way to manage large amounts of data. Most cloud storage companies provide cyber resilience for companies that need immediate access to the data they have stored. By offering monthly subscriptions, they make it easy for businesses to keep their information close at hand and easily accessible. Companies can store massive amounts of data for a monthly fee in a highly secure and protected environment.
Train Your Employees in Cyber Risk Management
The best way to protect a company from cyberattacks is to teach your employees how to prevent breaches and protect the systems your company uses. Cyber risk management includes changing passwords frequently, using two-factor authentication, and biometric access (fingerprint) identifiers. You should also provide detailed instructions on what to look for in the way of suspicious messages and other forms of communication.
Another great way to protect your business is to secure cyber liability insurance which steps in to help your business when a cyber attack occurs. When you’re ready to find the right coverage, the team at Premier Risk Insurance are here to help! We serve Long Island and neighboring cities in New York – Contact us to get started today.