Lesser-known Facts About Long-Term Care Insurance
When you think about long-term care insurance, what comes to mind? Unfortunately, all too often, people hold certain misconceptions about long-term care insurance, deeming it unnecessary and confusing. However, today there are many coverage options that people can benefit from. To find out more about long-term care insurance and what it can do for you, read on.
You can decide where care is received. One of the most common myths is that long-term care insurance only provides nursing home care – however, this isn’t the case. It provides home care for those who prefer to “age in place” as well as at assisted living facilities and hospice centers.
It supports family caregivers. Long-term care insurance recognizes the important role family caregivers play in long-term care situations by offering options that can make it easier for families to care for the ones who cared for them. Through coverage, family members can receive caregiver training, which helps ensure that patients are getting the best care possible.
Coverage isn’t just for older people. Although it plays a significant part in retirement planning and important protection for your later years, you can receive a great premium if you purchase coverage when you’re younger and healthier. What’s more, accidents and injuries can happen at any age and include the need for extended personal care.
Ready to get started on your long-term care insurance policy? Talk to the professionals at Premier Risk Insurance to find out how you can acquire affordable coverage. We serve Long Island and surrounding cities in New York, and we look forward to hearing from you today.