Auto Insurance: Does It Pay for Items Stolen From Inside Your Car?

If you own a vehicle, you must have auto insurance. It covers your financial losses caused by vehicle damage and vehicle-related injuries. However, if your insured car is broken into and your possessions kept inside the car are stolen, you must know whether you are covered.

This blog discusses the steps you should take in the event of theft inside your car, what your homeowners or renters insurance policy may cover in such a scenario, and whether the comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy helps cover losses for such incidents.

Things to Do If Your Car is Broken Into

Your auto insurance may not cover theft of your possessions following a car break-in, but if you have homeowners or renter’s insurance, you may not have to pay for the loss from your pocket. However, if the break-in has damaged your car, you may file an auto insurance claim for compensation.

When your car has been broken into, you must take the following necessary steps:

  1. Take photos of the vandalized car and make a list of the missing items
  2. File a police report
  3. Take necessary action to limit further loss, such as freezing your bank cards if they are stolen
  4. File the right insurance claim
  5. Get your car repaired if damaged

What Do Homeowners or Renters Insurance Cover for Car Break-Ins?

Standard homeowners and renter’s insurance covers your belongings, whether inside your home or outside, including inside the car. However, the compensation may depend on your coverage limit. The payout for a policy with basic coverage and low coverage limits will be less compared to a policy with more extensive coverage with higher limits.

However, you must know that the homeowner’s and renter’s insurance will cover only those possessions inside the car that are not fitted to the car. So, your car’s built-in stereo or navigation systems may not be covered if stolen in the theft.

Does Comprehensive Coverage in Your Auto Insurance Cover Vehicle Break-Ins?

Comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy may cover damage to your vehicle during the break-in. It pays for damages to the vehicle caused by non-collision-related covered perils such as theft and vandalism, wind, and fire. While you may be financially covered for losses by theft during a car break-in by your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance coverage, you need comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance coverage to cover repair and replacement costs if your car suffers damages due to the incident of vandalism.

Final Word

You may need to file both your homeowners/renters, and auto insurance to cover losses caused by a break-in into your car. However, you may avoid extensive losses and inconvenience by taking the following measures:

  • Never leave your unattended vehicle unlocked
  • Do not leave behind anything expensive inside the car
  • Select a safe parking location
  • Install a car alarm system

Keep Your Car Protected with Premier Risk, LLC.!

If you are looking for the right auto insurance in Long Island, NY, our team at Premier Risk, LLC, can help you select the best coverage based on your unique needs, budget, and lifestyle. Contact us today to ensure that you and your vehicle are adequately secure.