You might be thinking about whether you need homeowners insurance when selling a home. The answer is yes, you need homeowners insurance for the home you are going to sell which will cover you until you sell it. However, the type of homeowners insurance you need will vary depending on your situation. What Is Covered by Homeowners Insurance While Selling
A homeowners insurance binder is a document that you’ll get from your insurance agent that proves that you’ve bought homeowners insurance. The document essentially serves as a provisional insurance policy. As such, it contains your homeowners policy details, including the deductible and coverage limits. After you receive the official homeowners insurance policy, the binder becomes invalid. Here’s detailed information on
If you’ve ever considered buying a modular home in New York, you may wonder if you can protect it with a standard homeowners’ insurance plan. The answer is yes since many insurance companies don’t differentiate between a modular and conventional home. Nonetheless, there may be differences in risks. Here’s what you need to know about modular or mobile home insurance
Are you on the hunt for homeowners insurance? If so, you may want to do a bit of prep and research beforehand to ensure you’re doing all the right things. A little consideration can mean the difference between the right, affordable coverage, and a policy that leaves you out in the cold when the worst happens. You can learn from
The cost of homeowners insurance is one of those unavoidable expenses that come along with owning a house. How much you pay for coverage will depend on a variety of factors such as the location and age of your home, but the average premium costs over $1,000. Although it can feel like a big expense, you know that you will
Remodeling Your Property While Benefiting Your Insurance Are you thinking of making renovations to your property? If so you may be aware that even minor remodels can impact your home insurance on Long Island, NY. To make home insurance-friendly upgrades to your property, take a look at the top tasks below. New Roof A new roof may not
How Certain Home Insurance Claims Impact Your Premiums Insurance rates are based on a number of risks, but there are some factors that affect a policyholder’s insurance more than others, such as filing claims. Believe it or not, but filing claims will raise rates more than any other factor – besides poor credit. To help you understand which claims
How to Protect Your Home From Winter Damage With the holidays comes the winter. The sub-zero temperatures and harsh storms make us want to wrap up warm. It is equally important to remember that our homes are as susceptible to the cold as we are. Cold temperatures, ice, snow, and rain are capable of wreaking havoc on a property and
Security Tips to Consider for Your Home Every homeowner wants to do their best to protect their property. From locking the doors at night to installing motion-sensitive lights to securing home insurance on Long Island, NY, there are plenty of solutions to ramp up your home security. There are a few extra tips you can follow that help you to